IndieWeb Public Timeline Project

I was working on a talk I'm going to be giving next week (2016-02-16) at Developer Week 2016 about Python Testing when I noticed the conversation happening in the IndieWeb IRC Channel:

# 08:35 tantek showed that stream of notes somewhere on the home page
# 08:35 tantek just the notes
# 08:35 aaronpk ah
# 08:35 tantek so it had that old school twitter feel
# 08:36 aaronpk that'd be fun
# 08:52 benwerd tantek aaronpk: I really love that idea
# 08:52 benwerd A hub for people posting notes to their indieweb homepages

This caught my attention because i've had this on my personal setup for years as a stream of all of the items/feeds that I have interest in - my own personal stream of events. The code I use for that is extremely ugly and very tied to my personal data so I couldn't just pop it onto a public site but it is something that I could use as a framework tho!

So I spent the weekend setting up a Python Flask application and started pulling over the various parts that made sense (to me) - so far it does the following:

  • Displays an h-feed of items that have been submitted to it
  • Uses Server Sent Events (SSE) to send new data to the page. Big thanks to Aaron for reminding me about Nginx Stream Push Module!
  • Uses the Bridgy Publish method of having a hidden /publish URL pointing to the site to trigger getting the post into the stream
  • Has the beginnings of an API to pull JSON data for the stream based on domain and date range
  • Will soon have an IndieAuth login page for each domain to allow people to opt-out of being included in case of indirect mentions causing their posts to be displayed.

I need to finish some deploy work, like getting a SSL Certificate in place and standing up the code some place other than my personal server, and then I will start sharing the URL :)
