What I want for 2010

My Blackberry has been oddly silent the last day or so (oh I hope I didn’t jinx that just now!) and i’ve been catching up on some podcasts, the most recent being This Week in Google #21 where during one bit they talk about how disruptive to businesses Google has become.

What Google is doing is something I’ve been waiting a long time to happen, for some company to beat back the large corporations who are straddle both sides of the fence in the world of content - they are both producers and delivery agents (and also in some cases control the delivery method.)

We really need companies to become tighter in focus - be a delivery pipe and a good one; be a content producer and a good one; be a receiver or client and a good one but just don’t be all three. I’m looking at you now Comcast and Apple.

When we have multiple choices of pipes and can move our phones, netbooks or computers from one to the other without penalty then we can have a proper marketplace of competition.

Ok, that’s the only non-geek podcast I’ll do for another year :)
