facebook.f8 == consume(freetime=True, duration='weekend')

oh rapt-tabulous joy! Just when I thought I was done learning new API’s for a while the Facebook folks have to go an release f8. It’s all over the nets so I’m not even going to start listing links (yet) but it looks like they have done their homework well. From the start they already have tons of companies with tools targeting it, include an IM client that seems to be XMPP based!

From their forums:

… Concerning interop we’re building on top of Jabber/XMPP as well and are very interested in broadening our current system to work with other socially- oriented systems. We really think there is something interesting about hooking together IM with the information social networks provide, and we’d love to do it right. …

Good thing I have a ton of yard-work to do - otherwise I think I would be heads-down with the new API all weekend :)
