premature benchmarking

ok, I had to do it ... even though I know that it's not ready for performance timing, I just had to see how it faired :) I set up the following test program:

   import timeit
   t1 = timeit.Timer(stmt="c.Parse('next week')", setup="import parsetime; c=parsetime.Calendar()")
   t2 = timeit.Timer(stmt="c.Parse('5 min from now')", setup="import parsetime; c=parsetime.Calendar()")


t1 ("next week") took 0.14699 seconds to run 1000 iterations and t2 ("5 min from now") took 0.12538 seconds. Both of these were run on my powerbook with all my usual applications running, i.e. not a ideal setup for timing :)

Not bad if I do say so - a lot better than I was fearing to be honest.
