
After a couple of great weather days we are back into the dog days of summer - blech! Still, it allowed me to get the yard mowed without having to worry about heat stroke :) Grant and I had been working very well together on getting TellBot to the point where we would feel comfortable with releasing it to the world as 1.0. Astute readers will notice the use of “had” in the previous sentance – basically while in the middle of talking thru some refactoring we found supybot. It’s an amazing python bot that has tons of plugins, great structure and an active team working on it: everything we had planned for TellBot! After thinking it over we came to the conclusion that it would probably be more productive to help the supybot team with the plugins that TellBot has and they are missing than it would be for us to continue with yet-another-bot. Not to say that TellBot will be abandoned – I’ll still work on it as a testing platform for my python learning. Currently I’m working on another interesting idea - trying to figure out how to bolt onto wxPython a set of routines that will allow gui testing. Working out some of the major items to see if it’s feasible and that alone is making me learn a lot about wx’s internals – a Good Thing(tm) more to come later…
