Kaku A Micropub Toolkit

One of the challenges to having a pure static site is that you don’t easily get some of the fancier features that other Indieweb sites get, like Micropub endpoints and some of the newer Salmentions work to allow comment threads. The majority of these features are normally implemented using Javascript, something that I don’t allow here. Instead I run a Python Flask application that handles those requests and shuffles them off to a task queue for processing.

Tonight I just got done with a lot of little fiddly bits of infrastructure and plumbing for the toolkits that make up my Indieweb Services endpoints:

  • Ninka is the toolkit to work with Indieauth, it handles the discovery of authentication endpoints and the validation of auth tokens,
  • Ronkyuu handles discovery and processing of Webmentions,
  • Kaku is the Flask app itself that sits behind the web server and handles the /micropub, /token, /login and /webmention routes for the site

Some of the above is still “opinionated” as it may contain configuration values that are specific to my environment, but i’m working on clearing all of those out. But first I need to finish the refactoring of the task worker to take the events generated by the endpoints and generate the proper files and trigger a rebuild.
