Static Site Hybrid

My $dayjob has kept me quite busy and this leads to me often catching up on how things in various communities I lurk/inhabit after I’ve been AFK for a couple weeks…

The latest is the Indieweb Community and in particular an article posted by Kyle that asks:

Looking for web frameworks that provide 1. server-rendered HTML, 2. a background work queue, 3. support for websockets. My current patchwork of Flask, Tornado, Celery, and Redis is working but feels somehow not right.

This is exactly what I’m working towards with my own site - it’s purely static except for a minimal event handling Flask Application.

To be sure, Kyle’s current setup is by far much more advanced than mine, but this is an area that I truly want to help out in.

sigh - time to go add more items to my personal “itch” list :/
