Happy Fourth Day After the Winter Solstice

Today is the 25th of December which is the fourth day after the Winter Solstice - a phrase I say to myself when everyone is “wishing” me a “happy holiday” or some-such. The culture is so full of references to Christianity this time of year that my desire to walk a path of peace and calm is very sorely taxed.

    Throw away holiness and wisdom,
    and people will be a hundred times happier

    Throw away morality and justice,
    and people will do the right thing.

    Throw away industry and profit,
    and there won't be any thieves.

In the past people often thought that I was just being a “grinch” and few would stop to wonder why - those few I would quote the above from the Tao Te Ching and explain that the masters of the past observed what was happening but yet we, in the present, are still struggling with most of the same issues. If I am straying from the path I often view this as a weakness and get all worried. If I’m firmly on the path I will realize that every generation has to go thru such strife in order to learn wisdom.

Right now I don’t see a lot of wisdom.

    If these three aren't enough,
    just stay at the centre of the circle
    and let all things take their course.

The Tao shows us that we can only strive to improve ourselves and, by reflection, hope to guide others to see the path they need to take.

So on this day I nod to my Christian friends as they celebrate and make room for them on the path.

    See the world as your self.
    Have faith in the way things are.
    Love the world as your self;
    then you can care for all things.
