Moved back to a static site

The early days of this blog I used pyBloxsom to generate the html from static files but I wanted to try something new for this change from Wordpress.

This time i'm using Pelican to do the work - it's a bit fancier than what I remember pyBloxsom being but it's a Python tool and is flexible enough to do what I want. I may try pyBloxsom again if some of the Pelican quirks annoy me enough ;)

Unlike last time, where I hand-rolled all of the css and html, this time I'm using bootstrap-js until I can get some design-type friends to give me a simple css stylesheet.

The move to static is also masking a move from my very old VPS server to one of the newer servers i've been using to host on and i've now pointed all of the code-bear.* and codebear.* domains to

I'm monitoring the 404 items to see what I broke, but I think I caught all of the major items.

Go progress :)

Update: added a SubToMe subscribe button

Update: added a bunch of microformat elements as I'm working towards being a Citizen of the IndieWeb
