Sun, birds, flowers and weeding!

Just got back from a couple hours out in the Big Blue Room doing some Spring chores - branch and weed-tree removal, poison ivy clearing and other things that Normals do :)

I have the wonderful(?) ability to not be bothered by poison ivy or spruce, and oak only bothers me a bit, so all my neighbors call me when a patch appears in their yards. :) Normally I let some grow along the back fence because I like the flowers and the birds it attracts, but I found out our new neighbors are allergic so I'm having to be more diligent than before to keep it off of the fence. Nothing ruins a good day than having a bunch of kids covered in ivy bumps!

I was also clearing out a junk pile that I had forgotten about and that a critter had dug a burrow underneath over the winter - had to cover the hole with fresh dirt and then check later for signs of activity before moving the pile. Last thing I wanted was to startle some skunk or possum - that just never ends well for both parties.

So yea, a good couple hours of work (which to my woefully out of shape body is a major workout!) and now I'm off to reward myself with a good book on the local pubs patio and a pint or two. mmmmm beer
