It's the little things

It’s the little things you miss when you go past the second day of no power at your house: hot water and cooking.

After the fourth day you begin to miss heat and hot meals.

So yea, Hurricane Sandy came by for Halloween and since we didn’t have any treats, decided to blow down a couple trees in the area as it’s “trick” and shut down the power for 12 hours shy of a full week. Teach me to not stock more candy!

The power came back about 5 hours ago and I immediately smelled that somewhere the magical blue smoke had escaped one of my devices!

After following the smell to Elaine’s desk, and pulling out all of the power plugs I traced it to a blown UPS battery. literally. yikes!

So after a trip to the computer store, lots of cursing, cleaning, and fixing cable runs (when your as OCD as I am about cable runs, even your home setup is tied and bundled ;)

This is also the perfect time to clean dust and stuff from everything, so after about an hour of work, Elaine’s gaming and work computers are back online.

I also took advantage of the empty refrigerator to give it a good spring cleaning, so it’s nice and shiny clean and ready for leftovers and the like.

So yea, I’m ready to get back to work after a week of no power and internet, but I’m also hoping that other folk I know who still don’t have power get theirs turned back on soon.
