pushing the reset button

My professional and personal performance has been on an up-and-down ride for the last half year (heck, probably longer) but lately it’s been trending downwards :(

After a very accurate and firm review by a co-worker I have to realize that the “oh, I just need to tweak this” attitude isn’t working at all so i’m doing a personal reset - going to go back to small simple steps/changes and make them my priority. This isn’t to say that i’m going to stop all of my personal projects but it means that they will now be in the personal side of the task list and work will be in the work side.

For most folks this may sound silly or they may be shaking their heads, but for me i’m trying to stop the wild swings between “I can do anything” and “oh crap, why am I fucking everything up”. This reset is also going to be for my eating and excercise also - as I have seen others go thru a similar change with success.

So, step one is make a list of things i’m doing and start assigning time to them with the first being this:

