Seesmic and XMPP Pubsub

At Seesmic we are working hard integrating XMPP into various parts of the infrastructure and I have to say that I'm very excited to see what's been completed so far. The journey to Pubsub hasn't been smooth for sure, along the way we have learned how many different interpretations of the word implemented can be used when applied to a very big and complicated spec like XEP-0060 just on the server side alone. Then you get into the realm of client libraries and I can see why there was hardly any well known implementation of Pubsub. Sure there are plenty of behind the scenes implementations, but those are not public and they are not using open source tools - that's the key difference in what we are doing. In the last couple months a lot of activity has been happening in this space, so much so that I'm hoping we can delivery publicly so we can brag about being being one of the first (heck, if not the first) open source based implementations. Back to work, just because we have a end-to-end test finally working doesn't mean it's all done :)

Technorati Tags: pubsub, seesmic, xmpp
