someone hose me off...

I’ve been monitoring the TechCrunch 40 back-channel irc discussion and it’s like I wandered into a geek frat party where everyone knows each other and have already started drinking. Insults, jabs, taunts, locker-room humour all over the place - and that’s for the people they seem to like. For the others it is downright harsh and ignorant. The defense seems to be that this is how they would talk in person and that people just don’t appreciate subtle humour. Wow, I would just hate to see how they behave if they felt really comfortable and safe.

Actually, I think I’ll just add some more names to my internal spam filter and hope that Tantek continues with his great live coverage in spite of them.

p.s. I’ve already been over this a couple times to tone it down and to remove a couple names - never push send on anything written in frustration or anger :)
