exercise in futility or cost-offset?

I’ve been doing some coding for various people, nothing fancy mind you, just some bots or utility coding here and there - but people are appreciating the help and mentioning me and my blog more often. Very nice to see :)

Because of the interest and increased traffic, my basic hosting setup has been showing signs of stress. To prevent the items that are running on it now to not slow to a crawl I have opted to upgrade some bits of it but that of course increases the cost.

To help offset the increase I finally decided to try out Google Adsense. Now I don’t expect to make any serious money off of this at all - I’m just hoping that something comes in :)

So if you notice the ads and they really annoy you then let me know. The painful reality is that I have to either move in the direction of being more “out there” or just going back to lurking behind the scenes.
