oh hell yea!

Let me start with a little bit of history: I spent many (many) hours as a young person sitting in front of my parents computer writing code with Turbo Pascal and Turbo C. I formed almost all of my skills and habits using those tools including the code,build,test cycle that is now all the rage but back then few tools could allow you to do. The Turbo family of tools hold a place in my heart like most people have for their first car or first dog :)

Ok, so now that you know I’m a certifiable geek ;) I’ll let you know whey I’m so excited!

DevCo, aka The company that finally escaped the corporate clutches of Inprise, is bringing back the Turbo family of products! http://www.turboexplorer.com/h omepage.htm

Sure, it may be the same “explorer” version they offered before, but just the fact that the team is thinking back to their roots and offering free versions again to me is a great sign
