Tinderbox and SVN

I was finally able to put some solid contiguous time into my new TinderDB/VCSVN.pm module for Tinderbox 2 and I think I have it all whipped into shape. On my test Tinderbox 2 setup I was able to see my name appear on the status page and could click thru to the vcall.html page that showed all commit activity.


The slow part of all this was just the fact that the code is Perl -- not to say that Perl is bad or good, just that I am really into Python now and I've seem to have misplaced all my Perl-fu :)

Anywho, there were two underlying items, one minor and other goofy. The minor one was that I was parsing a string into an array "my (@data) = split(/ /, $line)" and then later referencing it as $data instead of @data. Who knows what I was thinking but when I found that little glitch (and of course Perl was just going along and trying to convert the array to a scalar value - ugh!) I suddenly started seeing raw data. Until then I was going thru all kinds of gyrations trying to see why it wasn't working.

The other issue was an error happening in a date conversion routine that was being hidden by other code so I did not realize that the date conversion was failing. That just took some time stepping thru the code to see where the breakage was.

So basically I now have a VC_SVN.pm that can be placed into a Tinderbox 2 setup that allows SVN commit activity to be shown on the status pages and (this is the best part I think) it doesn't require a working directory of the code.

Now I just need to pretty the code up, test it against our live data and then submit it to the Mozilla gang and let the "real" Perl coders review my code :)
