parsing, chump and sites

I’ve worked some more on the date/time parsing code over the last couple nights - working on some of the edge case situations and also trying to add more tests. One of the things I’m having to really resist is the urge to make early refactoring passes – I catch myself thinking “hmm, maybe it will be faster if I do this”. Fortunately I’ve resisted as there is nothing like doing a premature optimization before you have even finished version 1.0 :) Part of the reason that I’ve been working on the parsing code is it seems that people have managed to find my little corner of the web and have made comments about how they are interested in this code – wow! I’ve also started working on my version of the behaviour that “the Daily Chump IRC bot": implements. Not that their version is bad or anything, I just like working on these kind of problems and will compare how they did it to how I did it and see what I can learn. My version is going to be a “Supybot": plugin. Grant and I have been working on setting up kwiki, well, ok, he has been setting up kwiki and I’ve been watching ;) and we have also setup a public svn repository for some of the work we have been doing – more details later when it’s ready for some public scrutiny :)
