
The first private space trip happened this morning - how cool is that! I’ve always told anyone who would listen that I would take a job as a janitor if it meant I could work in space. With this trip I really believe that commercial trips to space are a soon thing instead of a later thing. When I started this experiment called web logging, aka journal, I decided to not turn post anything overtly political. My views are complicated and change as new information is discovered/learned, so I don’t think I need to spout my point of view :) There is enough of that already. Some recent items just make me want to scream and shout tho. –rant on– Recently the State Department revised the 2003 Terrorism Report - evidently they did not count the proper numbers saying many things caused it the error: like database complications and other items. My take on this is basically: isn’t this someone’s specific job. I don’t think that there are that many attacks that someone couldn’t go thru a monthly summary and just add the freaking numbers. Later I heard that the whole issue came up because people basically took them to task on why this attack or that attack wasn’t on the list. Turns out that they have a very “fluid” definition of what an attack is. This is all from an administration that is interpreting the Geneva Convention in such a way as to put into peril every military person in harms way. Even the Judge Advocate General’s lawyers have finally had enough - evidently they are talking with the New York Bar about it since it’s the civilian lawyers screwing things up. –rant off- We now return you to your regularly (yea right regular) updated web log
