disk space

So, guess what happens when you run a couple continous build process’s and don’t check on them for a couple days? Well you run out of disk space :) Came home today, opened the powerbook to check my mail, and was surprised to see no new messages. Now if you know me and my habit of subscribing to every mailing list I’m even partially interested in, you will understand that I was a little perplexed at the “no new messages” beep that Mail.app was giving me :) First I checked to see if my home mail server was up - it was. Next I checked to make sure my host was still up - it was. Ok that is odd. So next I checked for any error logs and then I saw the clue - one of the daemons didn’t have any updates for most of the day and that prompted df -h 100% used on /home Luckily I run a couple different partitions so the system kept running but just couldn’t delivery anything to the home directories - doh! Needless to say I am cleaning directories right now - I’m amazed at the number of project tarballs I have and old copies of web sites and other data.
