
Tonight I’m sitting in the comfy chair listening to some new CD’s we picked up earlier today while importing them into iTunes - man I do love the user interface and simplicity of iTunes. Outside it’s booming with thunder and lighting from the thunderstorm that is passing thru – perfect mood for reading and relaxing so I may not get anything done on my weekend punch-list. Lainens started asking about making some mix CD’s and now that I have the powerbook it turns out to be even easier than it was on the windows box. Not that it was hard or anything, it’s just all in one program instead having to use a couple programs. Picked up the latest Linux Journal (one of the few magazines I still buy at the newstand) and also a new book “Secure Coding: Principles and Practice": by Mark G. Graff and Kenneth R. van Wyk – it seems amazingly small but from what I’ve heard it will have more info nuggets per page than most of those phonebook-sized tomes other publishers have created on the topic. My reason for getting the book, well besides being interested in the topic, is to pick up some pointers and keep them fresh. I want to try and help QA some of OSAF’s code and I figure while I’m reading it to learn it I might as well keep an eye out for any obvious gotcha’s. At least that’s my hope :) Anywho, back to the reading and music importing
