getting there

Work has sucked all freetime from me for the last two weeks - blech! Seems my boss has done his usual great job at selling a Country Club in the area on our product. This is a good thing as that means food on the table but of course it means more “can you do this” and even some “they need it to do this” tasks suddenly appearing on my plate. anywho, enough ranting. I have managed to figure out what style of command parsing and module registering I like for “tellbot":/code/tellbot_0.2.tgz and that’s a good thing. The prototype module is done: time. Of course the working parts of it was rather easy - it’s all code that one of the “WorldForge": bots had already. But using that code allowed me to experiment with the module guts instead of parsing date stuff. The tinderbox module is being tested. It currently parses email files in a data directory and builds a status history - now all I need to do is map out what commands are needed and how to extract that information from the status history. At least the weather has finally started acting like April/May weather: rainy and windy, instead of the almost summer like heat it started out with. The bad part is that the couple days we wanted to get some planting done it rained :( I have managed to start looking at the SCons project as a configure/make replacement for Once - more on that later. For now it seems to be a very nice python application to manage all the necessary complications that traditionally has been handled by the auto* suite of tools.
