
Gave my brain some much needed downtime this weekend - lainens and I did some minor things around the house, slept in, planned some others and then just chilled. She played EQ Saturday and I played Sunday :) Still managed to do some thinking about the fuse project, also tried to digest Mitch’s posting to the OSAF Dev mailing list and some other items - but for the most part it was a quiet non-thinking weekend. Now hopefully Monday will not be a payroll nightmare that it seems to be - let’s just say we have a couple customers that just do not seem to be able to follow directions and we have had to bail them out the past two payroll cycles :( Anywho, resume is to the point were the changes I’m making are small and I think I may be swinging into the over- critical stage. So I’ll let it rest for a couple days and see how it reads after I’ve forgotten about it. After a curious question from one of the WorldForge peoples (where are the RDF and RSS feeds?) I tweaked the change that DragonM did to place the RDF feed on the menu (it was already present just not advertised.) I also took the basic script that Kosh had used to generate the RDF and massaged it to generate RSS - well except for the part that it doesn’t seem to work ;) I’ll fix that tomorrow. Hmm, just noticed that the weather script is generating a request for “mist” but I don’t seem to have that image - will have to look into that.
