
First day back at work post-PyCon and it was fun getting back into the swing of things since I code in Windows using Delphi – about as diametrically opposed to Python coding as you can get I would imagine. Actually not all that different come to think of it after seeing what Python can do on the Mac using pyObjC. My time over the weekend was spent catching up on sleep and spending time with lainens, although I did setup a wiki for the fuse-dev team and tweaked the mailing list options. Today I figured out the issue I was having with moin-moin and how it looks for the common image and css files (RTFM and all that.) What I’m really happy about is being able to run the tinderclient for the Chandler debian build. It’s a little thing, but seeing opus-debian listed in the Tinderbox status page was the highlight of the day for me! Last night I also revisited the Twisted documentation and they have really come a long way since I last looked at them over a year ago. They still have a ton of code to wade through! I hope that Glyph and crew are able to work thru the internal restructuring they were talking about. Well, time to get back to figuring out how to represent profiling data for 20-odd tests that each generate around 30 or so profiled routines across a range of dates! Talk about a 3-inch fire-hose size data problem.
