Cleaning House

I’ve been puttering around the WorldForge web pages for the last couple days trying to put the finishing touches on the first round of changes. Now in this case “finishing touches” does not imply pretty - just functional :) What I’ve been doing is going thru the major parts and making them css and xhtml 1.0 compliant, not exactly an easy task since the underlying structure is Zope. Not to say that Zope is the wrong tool for the job, but rather to say that I don’t grok Zope - or at least not yet. I’ve had to learn a lot about how Zope does html and even have gotten my hands dirty by rewriting some of the dtml and python scripts that generate parts of the html that is presented to the visitor. Now that the structure is in place, it will soon be time to turn some of the WorldForge creative media types loose to tweak things like layout, fonts and colors. The biggest thing so far left to do, I think, is to make the font sizing em based instead of percent based. I’ve done that to this site and it’s worked rather well. I must say I am rather pleased with the fact that the WorldForge site is valid CSS and also valid XHTML 1.0 Strict – woohoo!
