power issues

Evidently the company that hosts this site had a rack power supply go bad and that brought down my host and the network link. Which could be something to gripe about if I had anything pithy to write today but reporting the event seems to be the only thing so far. On a work related note: The install-from-hell that I’ve been fighting with for the past 3 days was resolved and my initial question, which the other vendor gave a confident “it works” answer to, was the culprit.

It seems that the art of doing 3-wire serial connections is a lost art as the cable was wired incorrectly, next time I bring a cable tester with me.

I won’t begin to go into how much grief that caused me since I had to backtrack and prove that is wasn’t my software that was failing - lets just say that 24hr diners, 10 year old POS terminals and techs who haven’t learned anything new since ABBA was hot is a bad mix. ugh!
